Answered Prayers

Today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  I know it’s Thanksgiving season, but that isn’t what has brought this reflection on.  Today is my 23rd Wedding Anniversary.

When I truly became serious about serving the Lord, I prayed fervently for the man who would be my husband.  One of the things I petitioned God for was a man that, no matter what, would serve Him.  If I got stupid, and walked away from God, I prayed that I would have a husband with enough backbone to do the right thing, and be the priest of our home despite any idiocy on my part.  I didn’t want a pushover.  I wanted a man of God.

In March of 1995, on a totally spontaneous weekend trip to see my dear friend, Tisa, I met the man who would become my husband, my love, and my best friend.  Honestly, when I woke up that morning, I had NO IDEA I was going to see her that day.  It was a Saturday, and I had determined to clean my house. 

Out of the blue, she called me.  Our phone conversation that day:

Tisa:     I think you should do something totally spontaneous this weekend, and come see me!
Me:      Well, I’d love to…but NOW? It’s noon, and I have to clean my house.
Tisa:     Okay, well…clean your house, and THEN come see me!
Me:      It’s a 3-hour drive!
Tisa:     I know!  But when do we ever do this?  Come anyway!  We have some friends from Jacksonville that are coming to see Kathy and I.  Get in your car!

I can’t even explain what made me feel so compelled to come—or for that matter, what compelled Tisa to be so insistent.  In hindsight, I know it was God orchestrating things, but then, I was completely baffled at the tug to make it all happen.

So, after a few phone calls to make sure my Sunday morning ministries were covered, and to get permission from my pastors (yes, I believe in accountability to my leadership), I hit the road at about 3:00 PM.

When I arrived at the house that Tisa shared with Kathy, it was dark outside, and in the pre-GPS days that the ‘90’s were,  I’d relied on Tisa’s directions of “turn right after you see the telephone pole that has some red paint on it.”  It was a dirt country road, and the trees grew over the driveway, so it felt kind of like Alice emerging from a rabbit-hole.  I could make out a house in the pitch-darkness, because there was a light shining in the window.  I found the back kitchen screen door, pressed my nose up against the screen, and asked, “WHERE are we?”

Little did I know that my destiny, the love of my life, and the world’s best dad was inside that house.  Chris Laymon was 24, and had just separated from the US Navy.  He had come from Jacksonville with friends from Church of Pentecost. We had no idea that night what was coming, but after meeting again about a month later, something DID happen…and the rest is history.  About two and a half months after we met, he proposed, and 9 months after we met, we were married.

What a history!  We’ve been through so much in these 23 years:  ups, downs, successes, failures.  But through it all, my husband has truly been my best friend, and my biggest cheerleader.  During the darkest times, he has NEVER given me any reason to doubt his faithfulness or his devotion to his marriage vows. 

Recently, I overheard him telling Wyatt about his own very-absent father.  He also told him that that experience crystalized in his own spirit the determination to do things differently.  With God’s help, he purposed in his heart that the idea of leaving his family was never an option.  It just was never, ever going to be on the table.

Never underestimate the peace that comes from that assurance.  I thank God for the strength of character, and the love for God that this man has.  And it isn’t just me that benefits.  There are so many questions in my boy’s heart and mind—but I heard my sweet husband tell his son, “Don’t ever worry about that, Wyatt.  I will not ever leave you or your mom.  I made a vow, to your mom, and to God.”

We live in a time when couples plan their escape before they even tie the knot.  I recognize that this is because the relationships are often built on the superficial, that love is seen only as a fluttery feeling, an intense passion.  I’m so grateful for a man who knows that real love is the commitment to stay—no matter what.

No matter how crazy my hair is in the morning, he is there.

No matter if I wake up grumpy, or if I steal too much of the covers, he is there.

When I’m not at my best, or I burn the bacon, or I forget to pick up the thing I said I would…he is there.

Whether or not we ever get to go on a swanky vacation, or to a fancy restaurant, or whatever:  he is there. 

And no matter what—this man is going to serve God.

And so am I. 

There is not a single doubt in my mind that this man would lay down his life for Wyatt or me.

Friends, THAT is Christ-like love.   I have the things I most desired in this life:  a husband who l can respect and admire because His devotion the God is in first place, and so consequently, he is devoted to his family.  He is generous, and loving, and an excellent provider.  My heart safely trusts first in God, who answered my prayers more than I ever could’ve imagined, and then in Christopher Laymon. 

“Gratitude” doesn’t really do justice to the fulness in my heart—but it is a place to start.

Thank you, Chris, for making our family a safe harbor.  Thank you for your love, and your leadership.  In a day when society tries to shame men for feeling protective, or for the desire to provide, thank you for being a REAL MAN, a godly man, who keeps everything that is truly important at the forefront of your character and purpose.  You have vision and creativity, and you are more generous than anyone I’ve ever known. I cannot imagine a better father for my boy.

Most of all, thank you for 23 years of love, peace, wisdom, fun, and security.  Thank you for guiding our family in the paths of the One True and Living God, and for being a man unashamed to “lift up holy hands, without wrath or doubting.” (1 Timothy 2:8) (I’m sure a little road rage doesn’t count.”  ;-)

Happy anniversary, sweetheart.  Love you.  Here's to many, many more.


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